All Time2Padel products have the guarantee of the suppliers, who guarantee that these items are in perfect condition for use.

In accordance with current regulations, these products have a two-year guarantee from the time of purchase, if the purchase was made before January 1, 2022, and 3 years for purchases made after this date. During the first six months, the problem is presumed to be due to a factory fault, unless the supplier proves otherwise. From the sixth month and up to three years, the customer will have to prove that the failure was due to an original failure.

Please, to manage the guarantee of a product purchased at Time2Padel, open a new query, sending an email to . Please tell us your order number and add photos or videos that allow us to understand your incident.

You can obtain all the information about guarantees and returns on the following page:

If you already had an open ticket previously, you can continue managing it by the same means.
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