VARLION padel tennis

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Paddle racketsVarlioncheap in our online padel store

Now in theOnline storefromTime2PadelYou can find the latest news and offers from thepaddle racketsVarlion. The firm began its journey in 2003 in Argentina, one of the countries with the longest tradition in padel for six years after changing its location to the Madrid town of Alcalá de Henares (Spain). Since then they have a premises of 3,000 square meters andown factoryto build all its blades in the Spanish capital. It is this in-house manufacturing and the quality of the materials used that have made this brand areference at the national leveland of great international projection.

The long history of the brand in the sector has allowed it throughout all these years to know in depth the needs of the players and for this reason it has developedunique technologiesto integrate them into your products offering high quality and the latest innovations in the sector.

Also the paddle brandVarlionhas launched an extensive catalog for the year 2015 that adapts to the different types of game. The firm differentiates between three basic models:Canyon, the surname for those padel rackets whose strong point is power,Lethal Weapon, for players looking for control andAvant, which stands out for its versatility and its great balance between control and power.

Paddle racketsVarliondifferentiated by levels

And since those players who are still starting out in the world of padel do not need the same characteristics as those who are already veterans,Varlionoffers arange differentiated by levels.

In the newPro rangeThe nine models are included aimed at those demanding players oflevel advancedand who are looking for a high-performance padel racket such as the padel racketVarlionLW H Diffuser CarrerawaveVarlionAvant H Carbon Carrera

For those players who have aMedium-high levelbut they still don't dare with the most advanced models,Varlionoffersa rangethat has models adapted to the different types of game such as the padel racketVarlionAvant H Diffuser Titan, with a great balance between power and control and a very striking aesthetic.

TheIntermediate rangeis adapted to players ofmedium leveland includes models of great aesthetics such as the precision of theVarlionLW H Alu Carbon TI Hard

And since there is nothing more important than the beginnings,Varlionhas the RangeSeries One,initiation padel racketsthat offer all the quality of the brand but at a more affordable price. If this is your range and you are looking for power the best balance between control and power, the best choice isVarlionAvant H One.

By lastVarlionoffers solutions for all types of players with theirWoman range. Six models withfeminine designsand daring aesthetics that also offer great lightness to facilitate playability on the court like the padel racketVarlionLW H Diamond 4waveVarlionLW H ITSV Ocean.

In short, a high quality brand with a100% Spanish manufacturingand with extensive experience in the sector that develops its own technologies to adapt all its models to the different needs of its customers. A sure hit.

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